Minggu, 08 Januari 2017

Akhir dari Sebuah Project

  Versi Bahasa Indonesia     
Pantai Syiah Kuala

      Angin bertiup tidak terlalu kencang, udara pun terlihat bersahabat denganku. Dengan penuh kecemasan ku coba tuk jalani hari. Hari dimana detik-detik akhir dari segala perjuangan satu semester akan berakhir. Ya…, kami biasa menyebutnya dengan “FINAL”. 

  “Heee…, telat kali kok”, celoteh temanku yang sudah setangah jam menunggu kami.
               “Dari kampus ni, ada urusan sedikit, Miss Deasi udah datang ?”, Tanyaku padanya
                 Dengan pandangan yang datar, ia menjawab


Kami biasanya membuat project di sekitaran pantai Syiah Kuala, beberapa kilometer dari kota Banda Aceh. Kami yang terdiri dari 4 orang dalam satu grup, memilih project membersihkan tempat wisata. Pilihan kami tertuju pada Pantai Syiah Kuala. Kami memilih pantai ini karena banyaknya wisatawan yang datang, bukan sekedar untuk berwisata tetapi juga ada yang ingin berziarah ke makan Syekh Abdurrauf As Singkily atau masyarakat Aceh kerap menyebutnya dengan Tengku Syiah Kuala.

Tengku Syiah Kuala adalah seorang ulama besar di Aceh yang sangat berpengaruh di masa terdahulu. Wajar saja sampai saat ini masyarakat Aceh sangat menghargai perjuangan yang telah beliau lakukan. Pantai yang akan kami bersihkan tepat berada disamping makam Tengku Syiah Kuala.
“Fifi, fifi…”, sapa seorang temanku.

“Ngelamun aja, pikirin apaan sih?…!!!”, tanya temanku padaku.

“Ngak ada kok, perasaan aku ngak enak ni”, jawabku gelisah.

“Ohh..tenang aja fi, kita jalani ini semua bersama ya”, ujar temanku sambil tersenyum.

Sekilas pikiranku seperti ditarik undur kemasa-masa awal project kami. Aku jadi teringat awal mula project ini ditugaskan oleh Dosen. Sangat terekam jelas rasanya raut-raut wajah kebingunggan teman-temanku yang tidak tau harus berbuat apa. Sampai-sampai kami satu kelas berkumpul di suatu tempat untuk membahas project ini. Tapi anehnya, solusi yang telah kami dapatkan tidak berjalan sesuai dengan rencana atau bisa dikatakan “gagal total”. Aku merasa lucu jika di ingat-ingat sekarang ini. Aku jadi teringat salah satu program TV yang slogannya “Menyelesaikan Masalah Tanpa Solusi”, hahahahaah…, tawaku dalam hati. Itulah yang saat itu terjadi pada kami.

Namun, akhirnya kami memilih berembuk hanya dengan kelompok kami sendiri. Alhasil, kami memilih project membersihkan tempat wisata.

Aku teringat pagi minggu itu, aku mengalami hal yang sedikit menjengkelkan. Aku bersama temanku berkumpul di suatu tempat untuk menuju ke pantai Syiah Kuala bersama-sama. Kami berjanji untuk berkumpul tepat pada jam 08.00 pagi. Namun, hampir 2 jam aku dan seorang temanku menunggu, mereka tak kunjung datang.

“Kemana dulu orang ni, kok ngak datang-datang”, ujarku kesal.

“Udah 2 jam kita tunggu ngak datang-datang juga”. Sambung temanku yang juga kesal.

“Hmmmmmm……!!!!!”, aku menghela nafas.

Setelah sekian lama menunggu, akhirnya mereka datang juga. Disitu aku merasa sangat kesal. Namun, demi sebuah hubungan pertemanan aku mengalah. Singkat cerita, kami mulai berangkat menuju pantai Syiah Kuala. Saat kami tiba, kami mengamati sekitaran pantai yang memang sangat kotor pada saat itu dan pengunjungnya pun  terbilang ramai.

Namun ada satu pemandangan yang menarik perhatianku saat itu, sebuah keluarga yang sedang bersantai dipinggiran pantai. Sepertinya mereka membawa makanan dari rumah. Tapi, yang membuatku tidak habis pikir, mereka melemparkan sampah makanan mereka begitu saja. Mereka seakan tak peduli dengan cemarnya lingkungan yang diakibatkan dari ulah mereka. Mereka pun seakan nyaman-nyaman saja melihat pemandangan yang tidak sedap di pandang tersebut.

Melihat hal tersebut, aku tergugah untuk sedikit menyadarkan mereka. Yang pastinya bukan melalui peringatan. Karena ku tahu, umurku jauh dari mereka dan  tak pantas rasanya bagiku untuk mengingatkan mereka. Ku coba perlahahan berjalan disekitaran pantai sambil memungut beberapa sampah plastik. Sampailah langkahku pada keluarga itu, ku coba memungut sampah di sekitar mereka. Aku merasa gugup, aku takut mereka berpikir yang bukan-bukan tentangku. Tetapi, aku takjub ketika keluarga itu ikut memungut sampah bersamaku dan mengumpulkannya kedalam plastik dan memberikannya padaku.

“Dari pat dek”, sapa seorang wanita paruh baya dari  keluarga itu.

“Dari Uin nek”, jawabku pada seorang wanita paruh baya tersebut.

“Dalam rangka peu dek jak pilih-pilih broh inoe ?”, sapa anggota keluarga lainnya.

“Hana bang, na project bacut geuyu peuget le dosen”, jawabku lagi.

Aku sadar, sebenarnya mereka tahu akan kebersihan. Tetapi, karena enaknyanya melempar dan didukung dengan suasana lingkungan yang seperti itu, maka melempar sampah sembarangan seakan sudah membudaya di kalangan masyarakat Aceh. Sebenarnya kami juga tidak ingin menyalahkan mereka seututuhnya, tapi memang fasilitas untuk tong sampah sendiri masih sangat minim di daerah pantai tersebut. Bahkan, ketika kami meninggalkan sampah dipinggir jalan. Setelah seminggu, tak satupun mobil penganggut sampah yang lewat untuk mengambil sampah kami. Sampai-sampai ada salah satu temanku yang melaporkan hal ini pada Dinas Kebersihan. Dan akhirnya sampah yang telah kami kumpulkan  pun di angkut. Dari sini, dapat kita simpulkan memang kesadaran masyarakat bahkan pemerintah sendiri pun masih sangat-sangat minim.

Bagiku, minggu setelahnya tidak terlalu berkesan. Karena sudah mulai padatnya jadwal perkuliahan. Kami hanya mengunjungi pantai di hari-hari biasa bukan di hari libur lagi. Namun, efeknya sudah sedikit terlihat dengan lingkungan yang sudah mulai bersih di sekitaran pantai Syiah Kuala. Walau tidak bisa dipungkiri, akhir-akhir ini Banda Aceh di guyur hujan yang sangat deras setiap harinya. Sampah pantai pun mulai banyak terlihat seperti kayu-kayu yang banyak dibawa oleh ombak. Untuk sampah plastik sendiri, tidak begitu banyak, mengigat para pengunjung akhir-akhir ini tidak keluar rumah karena hujan.

Tak terasa ini adalah penghujung dari project kami, walau belum terlalu optimal, hasilnya kami serahkan semuanya kepada Allah SWT. Hari ini dosenku berjanji ingin melihat project kami. Dengan hamparan pasir hitam pekat dan beralaskan batu gunung, kami duduk menunggu beliau sambil berbincang-bincang ringan.

“Ada chat ni dari Miss Deasi”, kata temanku yang ikut mengejutkan hayalanku.

“Miss Deasi udah sampai”, sambungnya.

“Mana-mana kok ngak nampak”, jawab kami seretak.

Seraya berdiri kami melihat jauh ke arah jalanan, dan ternyata benar dosen kami baru saja tiba.
“Haiii, apa kabar ?”, sapanya hangat.

“Baik Miss”, jawab kami setentak.

“Apa yang akan kita lakukan Miss ?”, Tanya salah satu temanku

“Terserah kalian, seperti biasa yang kalian lakukan saja, saya kesini hanya untuk melihat project kalian”, jawab dosen kami.

Mendengar pernyatan tersebut, kami mulai bergegas kembali mengunggut sampah-sampah yang berserekan disekitar pantai. Jujur saja persaanku saat itu cemas. Instingku berkata akan terjadi hal buruk yang tidak di harapkan nantinya. Langkahku terus menelusuri pesisir pantai dan sesekali jari-jemariku mengambil sampah. Belum penuh satu plastik kami mengumpulkan sampah. Tiba-tiba dosen memanggil kami untuk berkumpul.

“Kalian tau apa yang kurang dari project kalian ?”, tanya dosenku serius.

Kami terdiam seribu bahasa, binggung harus bilang apa.

“Apa yang menurut kalian menjadi kendala di project kalian ini ?”, tegasnya lagi.

Lagi-lagi kami mati kutu dengan pertanyaannya tersebut, kami seakan tidak tahu harus menjawab bagaimana.

“Kurang dikenal orang Miss” jawabku dengan penuh keraguan.

“Kurangnya interaksi kami dengan warga sekitar sini Miss”, jawab temanku lainya

“Fasilitasnya kurang Miss, seperti spanduk, tong sampah”, ujar temanku lagi.

“Ok.., kalian ada buat fanpage seperti yang saya sarankan”, ujar dosenku lagi

“Ngak ada miss”, jawab kami dengan penuh penyesalan.

“Nah, itulah yang salah dari kalian, padahal project kalian ini sudah sangat bagus, tapi harus berakhir tanpa hasil seperti ini. Coba jika kalian buat fanpage pasti banyak orang diluar sana yang ingin ikut membantu kalian. Kalian sekarang seakan membuat project yang asal jadi seperti tidak memiliki prospek kedepannya. Saya berharap setidaknya project kalian ada pengaruhnya sedikit bagi masyarakat. Tapi ini, hanya kalian yang tau dan seiring habisnya project ini maka sampah akan kembali banyak seperti dahulu lagi. Cobalah berbuat sesuatu semaksimal mungkin jangan meremehkan hal sekecil apapun itu”, tegas dosenku.

Mendengar pernyataan dari dosenku, hatiku teiris rasanya. Perasaanku kini bercampur aduk antara sedih atau binggung harus bagaimana. Namun sedikit pernyataan dari dosenku, seakan membawa ribuan makna bagiku. Aku sadar memang selama ini kami membuat project tidak semaksimal yang diharapkan. Tapi, dari project ini aku dapat belajar. Aku tidak boleh lagi bergantung pada orang lain. Aku harus berusaha sendiri semaksimal yang ku bisa seperti halnya membuat fanpage. Aku akui, aku memang tidak bisa membuat fanpage, tetapi kenapa aku tidak mencoba. Ahhhh…, memang penyesalan selalu datang terlambat.

Selain itu, aku juga belajar untuk menurunkan ego masing-masing, terkadang kita memang harus mengalah demi sebuah hasil yang terbaik nantinya. Kemudian, janganlah lakukan hal yang sia-sia, lakukan suatu hal dengan semaksimal mungkin yang kau bisa. Karena sejatinya tiada usaha yang menghianati hasil. Membangun kerja sama dalam grup juga tidak kalah pentingnya agar mencapai hasil sesuai yang diharapkan. Aku sadar memang selama ini, mungkin kami kurang membangun kerjasa sama yang baik, sehingga hasil yang kami peroleh tidak sesuai dengan apa yang kami harapkan. Banyak lagi hal yang dapat ku pelajari dari sebuah project ini.

  Walau akhirnya tidak begitu memuaskan. Tapi aku tetap bangga, aku mendapatkan pesan moral yang begitu luar biasa dari project ini. Awalnya aku tidak mengira akan begitu besarnya dampak project ini bagiku. Tapi berkat bimbingan dari dosenku, mataku kini mulai terbuka, cakrawala hidupku mulai terlihat dan bekal-bekal di masa depan pun mulai aku dapatkan. Ku ucapkan ribuan terimakasih kepada dosenku, jasamu akan selalu kuingat. Terima kasih juga kepada teman grupku yang sudah senatiasa berkerja sama dalam project ini. Aku turut berterimakasih juga kepada teman kelasku yang beberapa kali ikut membantu dalam project ini. Aku berharap kalian semua juga ikut merasakan hikmah dari project yang telah kita lakukan bersama-selama selama satu semester ini. Inilah akhir dari projectku, tentunya bukan akhir dari perjalanan hidupku.

English Version

The End of a Project

The wind isn’t too Fast, Friendly Air also looks with me. With great anxiety I try to serve out live today. The day when the final seconds of the struggles of one semester will end. Yes..., we usually to call the "FINAL".

"Heee ..., you are so late," talking my friend who is already over half an hour waiting for  us.

"We are from campus, there is a little affair.  Has Miss come ?", I asked her.

With a view of the flat, she replied,

            "Not yet".

            We usually make the project at Syiah Kuala beach, a few kilometers from the city of Banda Aceh. We are made up of four people in one group, choose a project to clean a beach. Our options were  Syiah Kuala beach. We chose this beach because of the many tourists who come, not only for sightseeing but also anyone wants to make a pilgrimage to tomb Sheikh Abdurrauf As Singkily or Acehnese people often call it by Tengku Syiah Kuala.

            Tengku Syiah Kuala is a great ulama in Aceh were very influential in the previous period. Naturally, until now the Acehnese people really appreciate struggle who he had done. We clean the beaches will be located right beside the tomb of Tengku Syiah Kuala.

            "Fifi, Fifi ...", call my friend to me.

"What happen with you? ... !!!", she asked to me.

"No problem, but I feel there a something bad ", I replied nervously.

"Ohh..calm down my friend, we live it all together ," said my friend, smiling.

Glance my mind as drawn retreat backwards early days of our project. I remembered the beginning of this project was assigned by the lecturer. Very obvious it felt the look-face my friends, who do not know what they must to do. To the extent that we are one class gathered in one place to discuss this project. But strangely, the solutions that we have on did not go according to plan or could be said to be "a total failure". I felt it funny if to remember today. I remembered one TV program that catchphrase "Solving Problems Without Solutions", hahahahaha ..., laughing silently. That is when it happened to us.

However, finally we chose negotiate only with our own group. As a result, we chose a project to clean a beach.

I remember the morning of the week, I experienced a little annoying. I was with my friend get together somewhere to go to the beach Syiah Kuala together. We promise to converge exactly at 08.00 am. However, almost 2 hours I and one of my friend waited, they did not come.

"Why they do not come ?", I said annoyed.

"Already 2 hour for wait , do not come too". said again my friend who also annoyed.

"Hmmm ...... !!!!!", I sighed deeply.

After a long for wait, finally they came. In There, I felt very annoyed. However, for the sake of a friendship I am succumb. Long story short, we set off towards the beach Syiah Kuala. When we arrived, we observed Nearby beach is very dirty at the time and was fairly crowded visitors.

But there is one sight that caught my attention at the time, a family was relaxing at the  beach. Looks like they brought food from home. But, they are made me shock, they throw their food waste carelessly. They seemed to not care about the environment caused of their act. They also seemed comfortable with that condition.

Seeing that, I want to a little made them aware about environment. Which is certainly not through warnings. Because I know, my age away from them and did not deserve it seemed to me to remind them. I try to walk slowly around  beach, I try picking up some plastic waste. With the slowly, my footstep until to that family, I try to pick up garbage around them. I feel nervous, I'm afraid they are negative thinking about me. But I was amazed when the family join with me to picking up trash and collecting it into plastic and gave it to me.

"Where are you come ?", talking an elderly woman from the family.

"From Uin Grandma," I said in the middle-aged woman.

"In what order select waste here ?", said other family members.

"Nothing, there is a little project from a lecturers", I replied again.

            I realized, in fact they are know the cleanliness. However, because they are usual throws and supported with an situation like that, then throw a waste as if already entrenched among people in Aceh. Actually, we also do not want to blame them completely, but facility in the beach area still lacking such as wastebasket . In fact, when we left the roadside trash. After a week, none of the garbage car passing by to take our trash. To the extent that there is one of my friends who reported the matter to the Department of Hygiene. And finally, our garbage has been collected be carried  by garbage car. From here, we can conclude indeed even the government's and own public awareness is still very minimal.

For me, the week after that is not too impressive. Because of the tight schedule already started the lecture. We only visited the beach on weekdays instead of in the holidays anymore. However, the effect has been little visible with the environment has begun to clean  at  area Syiah Kuala beach. Although it is undeniable, lately Banda Aceh very heavy rain every day. Trash the beach began to seem such as wood that many brought in by the waves. For plastic waste, not so much, while visitors lately are not going out because of rain.

Do not feel this is the end of our project, although not too optimal result, we submit it to Allah SWT. Today my lecturer promised want to see our project. With jet-black sand and stone mountain, we sat waiting for her and converse lightly.

"There chat from Miss Deasi", said my friend.

"Miss Deasi have arrived," she continued.

"Where ?, I don't see her", our replied to be confuse.

We are standing and see far toward the street, and it is true of our lecturers have just arrived.

"Haiii, how are you?", She said warmly.

"Good miss", we replied together.

"What will we do Miss Deasi?", Asked one of my friends

"It's up to you, as usual you are doing, I'm here just to see your project," replied our lecturers.

Hearing these statements, we started rushing back take the rubbish around the beach. Honestly, I felt so anxious. My instinct says bad things will be happen that are not expected later. My footstep continued to explore the coast and occasionally my fingers pick up the trash. Yet full of plastic we collect trash. Suddenly the lecturer called us to come together.

"You know what is wrong from your project?", Asked my lecturer seriously.

We were quiet for a thousand languages, confused what to say.

"What obstacle from you're project?", she continued.

Again, we not brave anwers question, we are so afraid.

"Less known to people Miss Deasi"I said doubtfully.

"The lack of our interaction with the people around here Miss Deasi," replied my friend other.

"The facility are less Miss Deasi, such as banners, trash cans," said my friend anymore.

"Ok .., you are there made a  fanpage as I suggested," said my lecturer again

" Not yet Miss Deasi", we replied with dissapointed.

"Well, that's wrong from you, actually you project is already very good, but it should end without a result like this. Try if you create fanpage certainly many people out there who want to help you. Now your project, I can say not  there a result. I hope at least there is little influence to society from your project. But this, only you know and as ending of this project, the trash will return many as before anymore. Try to do something as good as possible not to underestimate the slightest thing ", said my lecturer.

Heard a statement from my lecturer, I feel so sad. Now my feelings were mixed among the sad or confused what to do. But a little statement from my lecturer, brought a thousands of meaning for me. I realize we made the project not too serious. But, from this project I can learn. I can no longer rely on others. I must try to do something if I can't  do it, such as make a fanpage. I admit  can not make a fanpage but why I did not try. Ahhhh ..., indeed regret always comes too late.

In addition, I also learned to lower their egos, sometimes we do have to effort over for a best result. Then, do not do it in vain, to do something with as good as possible as you can. Because no effort is betraying the true results. Establishing cooperation in the group is also important in order to achieve results as expected. I realize, maybe we lack a good build kerjasa same, so that our results are not in line with what we expected. Many more things can I learn from a project of this.

Although the end is not so satisfactory. But I'm still proud, I get a message that is so extraordinary moral of this project. At first I did not expect such enormous impact of this project for me. But thanks to the guidance of my lecturer, my eyes began to open now, the horizon of my life is starting to look and to be important I got a modals for in the future. I said a thousand thanks, your statement will always be remembered. Thanks also to My Groups whose work together in this project during one semester. I'm so grateful also to my classmates who several times helped in this project. I hope you all are feeling the wisdom of the project we have done together over for one semester. This was the end of my project, certainly not the end of my journey.

Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

Activity at Fifth Weeks

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

     Hello guys...
     Today, I'm going to discuss about activity at fifth weeks in our project. Last week, our group and some friends from another group went to Syiah Kuala Beach. Even though, delayed several times due to rain. When we arrived there, we looked many garbage at around beach such as plastic bottle, food packaging, wood, and others. We don't know for sure, whether the garbage comes from the sea or the act from visitor irresponsible because lately Banda Aceh often rains.  

     Furthermore, we also see a lot of visitors because we came in the afternoon. it is unfortunate they pay less attention trash around the beach. However, we take out some garbage and hope for a good response from the visitors. we hope the community can respond to our activities and continue to maintain the environment.

     And we are also very grateful to my friends from other groups who have helped us. And thanks also to entertain us with a very funny joke, thank you once again guys ....: D


Sabtu, 05 November 2016

Obstacles That Can Not Be Predicted

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Hello guys..
      How are you ?
      I hope you are alright..
     And now, I'm going to discuss about our project in the fourth weeks. Before, I want to apologize to you, because I didn't come to make our project. When my friends to go to Syiah Kuala beach, suddenly at my home rain. Even though, I was ready to go. And then, I make appointment to my friend, if the rain stopped I will join with them. However, the rain stopped at 5.00 pm o'clock, because it is already too late, my parents did not allow me to go, anyways distance of my house to the Syiah Kuala beach quite far.

      And then, I send a massege to my friend that I can't go to Syiah Kuala beach and I very regret about this situasion. I hope my friend can forgive me.  This is my story in the fourth weeks, wait for the next story about our project guys....
Warm Regards : Maghfirah

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016

Continue to Improve Environmental Cleanliness

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

     Hello guys..

      Today I'm going to discuss about our project after third week. Before, I'm apologize to you, because I'm late to post the activity in our project. This October, weather in Banda Aceh city less support to our group make this project because almost everyday heavy rain. So finally, we can make this project on Tuesday (25/10/2016).

      Same as it was second week ago, our group went to Syiah Kuala beach. After we got there, we looked around Syiah kuala beach and Alhamdulillah we looked a little progress. In there, we have seen a lot of garbage is reduced around Syiah Kuala beach. Even Though this still a little progress, we are so happy because still many people who caring about environment.

Beach a little cleaner (25/10/2016)


         After we looked around Syiah Kuala beach, Our group immediately take the garbage one by one and we collect into plastic. At this third week. we can finish cleaning faster because there a few my friends from my call want to help us. Meanwhile, we also scatter in searching the garbage. It is one of strategy from our group, so  human around beach can motivated for continue keep environtment. Furthermore, we will also create a new strategy to continue persuade people to dispose of waste in place.

       This is photo when our group take the garbage into plactic. But someone in my group not there in photo, because he is a photopraphy in this photo. So, please undertendable guys....:D

        Therefore, let's keep environment from us to us. We hope, with this littte progress can motivate a lot of people continue to cleaning environment not only Syiah Kuala beach, but all of the environment around us. So, do not ever bored to continue protecting the environment to a healthy and prosperous Indonesia.

Thanks for reading my bolg

Warm Regard : Maghfirah